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Dynamic wrinkles are caused by contractions of the delicate underlying facial muscles every time we smile, laugh or frown. The more emotion we show, the deeper these wrinkles and lines are likely to be. Over the years constant and even sustained contraction of these muscles may lead to more permanent lines and creases.

Read more: Botox®/Dysport®

Liquid Rhinoplasty

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by contractions of the delicate underlying facial muscles every time we smile, laugh or frown. The more emotion we show, the deeper these wrinkles and lines are likely to be. Over the years constant and even sustained contraction of these muscles may lead to more permanent lines and creases.

Read more: Liquid Rhinoplasty

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels


Skin ageing unfortunately already starts from the early 30’s. Sun exposure, smoking and other exogenous factors accelerate ageing and lead to the formation of fine lines and rhytids, discolorations, dark circles around the eyes and skin laxity.

Read more: Mesotherapy

Fat Transfer

The gradual development of facial wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is the classic early sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable ageing. Premature ageing and wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overacting facial expression muscles, smoking, poor nutrition and skin disorders.

Read more: Fat Transfer

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Skin ageing unfortunately already starts from the early 30’s. Sun exposure, smoking and other exogenous factors accelerate ageing and lead to the formation of fine lines and rhytids, discolorations, dark circles around the eyes and skin laxity.

Read more: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)


The gradual development of facial wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is the classic early sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable ageing. Premature ageing and wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overacting facial expression muscles, smoking, poor nutrition and skin disorders.

Fine surface wrinkles that progress to deeper creases, deepening facial expression lines due to repeated skin folding, and deep folds and wrinkles that develop due to gravity and ageing may make us look old, tired and sad, which is less than desirable.

In the last couple of years, injectable hyaluronic acid has emerged as the ideal filler for the treatment of wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, corners of the mouth, lip enhancement, as well as for glabella, forehead and crow’s feet wrinkles in combination with Botox®/Dysport®.

Read more: Fillers

Stem cell (ADSCs) treatments

Stem cell (ADSCs) treatments

Liquid Facelift

The gradual development of facial wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is the classic early sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable ageing. Premature ageing and wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overacting facial expression muscles, smoking, poor nutrition and skin disorders.

Fine surface wrinkles that progress to deeper creases, deepening facial expression lines due to repeated skin folding, and deep folds and wrinkles that develop due to gravity and ageing may make us look old, tired and sad, which is less than desirable.

In the last couple of years, injectable hyaluronic acid has emerged as the ideal filler for the treatment of wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, corners of the mouth, lip enhancement, as well as for glabella, forehead and crow’s feet wrinkles in combination with Botox..

Read more: Liquid Facelift


  • Laser treatments

    Information about Laser treatments procedures: Non ablative Laser Rejuvenation, Ablative Laser Rejuvenation, Laser treatment of vascular lesions, Laser treatment of pigmented skin lesions, Laser hair removal

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