Chin augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia correction)
Gynecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for “women-like breasts”. Although this condition is rarely talked about, it is quite common. Forty to 60% of men are affected by gynecomastia at some point in their life. It may affect one breast or both, and although some drugs and medical conditions have been linked with male breast overdevelopment, for the majority of cases the cause if unknown.
For men who are self-conscious about the appearance of their breast, breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia correction can help.
Ear correction (Otoplasty)
The size and shape of our ears is genetically predetermined and can vary significantly between individuals, as well as between the two sides on any one individual. The normal size of the ear is about 1/3 of the face, and forms an angle of 23-30o with the scalp. Any situation where the ears appear to be particularly prominent or the shape seems to be out of the normal, can be the source of teasing and ridicule, leading to significant psychological morbidity.
Ear correction or otoplasty is a surgical procedure to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears.
Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
Rhinoplasty, or surgery to reshape the nose, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, remove any bumps, narrow the span of the nostrils, correct any post-traumatic deformities, change the angle between the nose and the upper lip and may even relieve some breathing problems.
Whatever the problem is, rhinoplasty aims at delivering a nose that “blends-in” with the rest of your facial features.
Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)
The eyes are the most important feature on our face and play an important role in facial expression. Excess skin, wrinkles and eyebags reduce their beauty and give the face a tired and sad look. The normal ageing process results in sagging of the eyelid skin, with wrinkles and folds developing especially in the lower lids and bulging of the underlying fat. Some people seem to have a hereditary predisposition and these effects appear at a younger age.
Procedures after massive weight loss
Hair transplantation
A lot of men and women are of relatively normal weight, but have isolated pockets of fat that cause certain areas of their body to appear disproportionate. These localized fat deposits may sometimes be an inherited trait and typically do not respond to dieting and exercise. Areas such as the lower abdomen, hips and buttocks, waist, thighs, knees and chin seem to have a preference for these deposits and liposuction is often the only way to eliminate them.
Vaser® liposuction (Vaser® liposelection)
A lot of men and women are of relatively normal weight, but have isolated pockets of fat that cause certain areas of their body to appear disproportionate. These localized fat deposits may sometimes be an inherited trait and typically do not respond to dieting and exercise. Areas such as the lower abdomen, hips and buttocks, waist, thighs, knees and chin seem to have a preference for these deposits and liposuction is often the only way to eliminate them.