A lot of men and women are of relatively normal weight, but have isolated pockets of fat that cause certain areas of their body to appear disproportionate. These localized fat deposits may sometimes be an inherited trait and typically do not respond to dieting and exercise. Areas such as the lower abdomen, hips and buttocks, waist, thighs, knees and chin seem to have a preference for these deposits and liposuction is often the only way to eliminate them.
How is liposuction performed?
How much fat can be removed?
What can I expect after the operation?
When can I resume my normal activities?
How long will the result last?

What is liposuction?
Liposuction, also known as liposculpture is the removal of localized unwanted fat by the use of a thin cannula and a suction pump. It is not an alternative to weight loss nor a treatment for cellulite. Liposuction treats localised fat deposits, while a healthy diet and exercise ensure weight control..
When is liposuction performed?
Liposuction can be performed at almost any age, but best results are obtained when the skin still has its elasticity, to achieve a smooth contour following fat removal. The operation can be performed on multiple sites at the same time and could be combined with other procedures, such as an abdominoplasty.
How is liposuction performed?

The operation is performed under a local or general anaesthetic, depending on the severity of the problem, and the patient’s wishes, and usually takes 1-2 hours. A special fluid mixture containing dilute local anaesthesia and vasoconstricting agents is instilled in the areas to be suctioned 15 minutes before the procedure, to anaesthetize the area and minimize bleeding. Then, a small hollow tube (cannula) is inserted in the area to be suctioned, through one or more tiny incisions. The cannula is connected via a long silicone tube to a vacuum pump, and unwanted fat is literally vacuumed away.
How much fat can be removed?
There is a maximum safe limit of fat that can be removed during any one session, and this is usually between 2.5-3 litres. It might be necessary therefore to repeat the procedure after a couple of months for a maximum effect.
What can I expect after the operation?
As already mentioned, the procedure takes 1-2 hours, depending on the extent of the problem. An overnight stay in the hospital is usually recommended.

The anaesthetic effect of the infiltration lasts for several hours, and after it wears off, the discomfort is easily controlled with regular painkillers. A specially designed compressive garment is worn over the areas that have been suctioned to reduce swelling and bruising and to help the skin shrink down to your new contour. (Liposuction 4) You will need to wear this garment continuously for one week (apart from taking it off to shower) and then during the daytime for another 3 weeks. Over the first couple of days after the operation you will experience some swelling and bruising that gradually subside over the weeks to follow.
When can I resume my normal activities?
The recovery time depends on the extent of the areas treated. Most patients can resume light activities within 1-2 days and return to work in 5-7 days. Exercise is usually recommended after 2 weeks and full recovery to your previous activities is expected in 3-4 weeks.
How long will the result last?
The results achieved with liposuction are permanent, even after moderate increase in weight, as the fat is evenly deposited over the whole body. If however there is massive weight gain, then new fat cells will probably form in the areas treated, and the problem could return.

Pictures (c) ASPS, ASAPS, AAFPRS, ADAM, Allergan